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The Ionia County Humane Society is a group of volunteers dedicated to
animals. We run the daily operations of the Ionia County Animal Shelter with the help of Ionia County
Animal Control Officers*. Our funding is from
donations only. We get NO funding from state or municipal
sources. Almost all of us are volunteers. We think of it
as getting paid with "puppy kisses". We are always looking for new
volunteers to help us with our very large, and very rewarding task. If you want to help with donations of supplies or funds,
or by coming to the shelter to work with the animals, please email Jen or call (616) 527-6199.
Become a Member
Single memberships are $10 and family memberships (immediate family only
please) are $20. Please send your check or money order made out to the Ionia
County Humane Society, along with your name, address and phone number, as well
as any special interests you have with regard to the Society.

*PLEASE NOTE; We are NOT a part of the Animal
Control department of Ionia County. If you have an animal-related problem we
can refer you directly to animal control which has legal jurisdiction over
animals outside the shelter or they can be reached directly at 616-527-4607